• Academics

    The Odyssey Program

    You learn more when you do more! Through the Odyssey Program, Hendrix’s signature engaged learning program, 学生完成至少三个奥德赛经历在六个类别中的至少三个. 奥德赛学分可以通过自己设计和提出的经验来获得, 参加预先批准的课外活动, 并顺利完成预编码课程或课程模块.

  • Odyssey Info Hub

    Current students, faculty, 及职员应到资讯中心索取表格, upcoming Odyssey events, and other information. 

  • Odyssey Categories

    Global Awareness

    通过在美国的全球意识奥德赛探索其他文化.S. or abroad.

    For example: Participate in Hendrix-sponsored study abroad programs; take a study tour of the rainforests of Costa Rica; travel to Peru on a mission trip; join a biology excursion to the American Southwest or the Everglades.

    Service to the World

    Tackle social, environmental, 通过校园的世界奥德赛服务来满足精神需求, in the community, across the country, and around the world.

    For example: Participate in a mission trip or internship; take a service-learning course; volunteer with various organizations and agencies; complete a service project.

    Professional and Leadership Development

    专业和领导力发展奥德赛包括实习和其他专业经历, as well as leadership roles in campus, community, or professional life.

    For example:  Tutor or mentor other Hendrix students; complete a leadership or service scholarship program; serve as a Resident Assistant; co-captain an athletic team or lead a student organization.

    Undergraduate Research


    For example: Present your results at national and regional academic conferences; have your work accepted for publication in an academic journal.

    Artistic Creativity

    Let your creativity shine in art, music, dance, drama, 或者通过艺术创作奥德赛进行创造性写作.

    For example: Participate in a music performance group or take music lessons; take a course in photography, painting, or sculpture; play a major role in a theatrical production

    Special Projects Odysseys


    For example: Create a business plan for competition through the Hendrix Center for Entrepreneurial Studies; complete an independent study project; design a multidisciplinary Odyssey experience that reflects your special interests and talents

  • Sample Odysseys

    Through the Odyssey Program, 亨德里克斯的学生追求从本科研究和实习到服务和民权项目的一切.


    Sami's Undergraduate Research Odyssey

    萨米·肯尼迪在新泽西生物医学研究所的奥德赛研究是一次大开眼界的经历. 首先,她发现,在生物医学研究中,“从错误中学习实际上是很常见的.她说,“我在一个夏天获得了惊人的知识。. 最重要的是,我发现我真的很喜欢研究."

    Sami Kennedy
    Berkeley Heights, New Jersey


    Robert’s Artistic Creativity Odyssey

    亨德里克斯与意大利艺术学院的独家合作让罗伯特·杜兰特有机会将他对戏剧的热爱与出国留学的愿望结合起来. 他说:“我学的是Commedia dell'Arte,一种意大利风格的即兴戏剧. I also learned how to create (by hand!在喜剧表演中使用的皮革面具."

    Robert Durante
    Kingwood, Texas
    Theatre arts major; psychology minor



    安妮·沃格特在哥伦比亚长老会摩根斯坦利儿童医院新生儿科实习期间, 她看到了医生和家庭是如何做出决定的,这些决定会影响到出生时有严重缺陷的极早产儿. 医学、伦理和宗教都发挥了作用. 她说,她能够观察到“医生在高压力情况下的工作方式,以及他们如何与家人沟通。."

    Annie Vogt
    Falmouth, Maine


    Asli's Global Awareness Odyssey

    阿斯利·艾哈迈德在美国扩大了她的全球意识.S. 她融入了明尼阿波利斯的索马里难民社区. She used ethnographic research techniques, including interviews, 记录下她在这些未被充分研究的人群中的现场经历. She says, “我开始看到融入一个与你的核心信仰如此不同的国家的真正困难."

    Asli Ahmed
    Little Rock, Arkansas
    Psychology major; religious studies minor


    Nate's Service to the World Odyssey

    A talented pianist, guitarist and violinist, 内特·德拉恩(Nate Drahn)用音乐来激发那些患有痴呆症和类似疾病的人被遗忘的记忆. 他在一家养老院做了一个暑假的志愿者,为“任何人和所有人”演奏.他发现,“人们可以在一首歌的过程中,从完全混乱到难以置信的清晰。."

    Nate Drahn
    Lopez Island, Washington


    Adelia's Special Projects Odyssey

    Inspired by a similar Hendrix trip in 2010, 阿德利亚·希夫罗设计并领导了一次民权奥德赛公路旅行(与学生院长吉姆·威尔特根一起). 她和其他10名学生参观了具有里程碑意义的民权场所,并追溯了塞尔玛到蒙哥马利游行者的足迹, a highlight for Adelia, who says, "I think, 'What if this march had not happened? What kind of life would I be living today?'"

    Adelia Shiffraw
    Little Rock, Arkansas

  • Odyssey Grants

    在亨德里克斯,信誉的电子游戏平台官网不希望资金问题限制学生的智力冒险. 奥德赛资助为需要额外资金的项目提供支持. We also provide $1,当学生们在州立大学做第一次研究报告的时候,可以用1000美元作为他们的旅费, regional or national conferences.