• Life at Hendrix


    At Hendrix, life happens on campus. It happens in a classic college town, 它发生在隔壁的自然州的首都.

  • The Campus

    Campus isn't just where you learn. It's where you live. 从宿舍到健身房,亨德里克斯校园是生活发生的地方.

    Dawkins Welcome Center_LocationPage

    Dawkins Welcome Center

    The first step on your journey to Hendrix, 道金斯欢迎中心是学院招生和经济援助工作人员的家. 新的LEED认证设施采用全led照明(包括夜间从圆顶放射出亨德里克斯橙色的灯)。, 连接到节能区域冷却回路,为校园内的多栋建筑提供气候控制, 尽可能多的材料来自建筑工地方圆500英里内的地方.

    SLTC 02

    Student Life and Technology Center

    学生生活和技术中心(SLTC)拥有从食堂和院长办公室到实习和国际项目资源到学生活动和学生生活的一切, 提供无缝服务,帮助学生成功. It's where Hendrix students go to share ideas, study and socialize, meet and eat, and make plans for the future.


    Wellness and Athletics Center

    健康和运动中心(WAC)保持亨德里克斯社区的健康. The WAC features a competition gym for Warrior basketball and volleyball; a recreation gym; an indoor track; a studio for Zumba, kickboxing, spin cycling, yoga, and other exercise classes; a rock climbing wall; a fitness center; and an aquatics center.

    ZAZA 02

    The Village at Hendrix

    亨德里克斯村是一个充满活力的社区,紧邻校园,拥有经典建筑和绿色建筑, a park and trails, 还有一个带有户外活动绿地的市场中心, 下层是商业和餐厅的多功能建筑,上层是学生生活空间.

    Bailey Library

    Bailey Library

    The Olin C. 贝利图书馆有超过20万册图书供学生、教师和社区使用. 与图书馆相邻的是斯诺迪学术资源中心, which houses a 24/7 computer lab, study carrels, the Writing Center, and seminar room.  一楼还包括新的学习共享区,供学生获得同伴辅导服务. 图书馆的二楼有阿肯色联合卫理公会档案馆和亨德里克斯学院档案馆.

    Greene Chapel

    Greene Chapel

    格林教堂主办每周和特别崇拜服务, weddings, and the Hendrix Choir's Candlelight Carol Service. Greene Chapel ranked #5 on a theologydegrees.网站列出了50个最令人惊叹的大学教堂和教堂.

    Staples Auditorium

    Staples Auditorium

    Adjacent to Greene Chapel, Staples Auditorium hosts student life activities, 亨德里克斯学生乐团和嘉宾的艺术和娱乐表演, and special convocations.

    Cabe Theatre

    Cabe Theatre

    有242个座位的凯布剧院是亨德里克斯戏剧艺术和舞蹈系的所在地,这里举办各种各样的戏剧和舞蹈表演,由学生团体和客座艺术家表演. One of the region's premier performing arts centers, 凯布拥有一个带气动转盘的推力舞台——该州唯一的旋转舞台——以及现代化的灯光和音响系统.

    Murphy House

    Bertie Wilson Murphy Building

    Bertie Wilson Murphy Building, affectionately known as the "Murphy House,是亨德里克斯-墨菲文学和语言基金会项目的所在地, which hosts visiting scholars, writers, and speakers for literary readings and workshops. 学生们在一楼图书馆的壁炉旁学习,研讨室举办招待会, film screenings, luncheons and dinners, poetry readings, and workshops.

    Miller Creative Quad

    The Miller Creative Quad

    米勒创意广场是一座多功能建筑,包括两个男女同校的宿舍:阿肯色大厅(北)和康威公司大厅(南)。, 哪些是由二楼和三楼的公共区域连接的. 可容纳106名学生,74间双人房和32间单人房.该建筑还设有Windgate艺术博物馆, an 8,000 square-foot, 环境控制的空间,包括三个展示艺术展览的展览厅, educational programs, and social activities for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to campus; and the Hundley-Shell Theater for film screenings and lectures.

  • Campus Map and Directions



    • Conway

      亨德里克斯是历史悠久的康威市中心的北锚. 商业和娱乐区融合了南方小镇的氛围与购物, eating, 还有从农贸市场、食品卡车到蟾蜍吸吮Daze的娱乐选择, a local music, art, and food festival that attracts more than 150,000 visitors each spring.

      Acxiom Corporation

      Offices of Acxiom Corporation

      Founded in Conway, Acxiom是一家全球互动营销服务公司,也是亨德里克斯学生有趣的实习和就业机会的超级来源.

      Toad Suck Daze 02

      Toad Suck Daze

      这是一个为期三天的盛大节日,有现场音乐、美食、嘉年华游乐设施和所有蟾蜍的东西 &emdash; from the Toad to Toad bike races to Toad Jam Basketball to the World Famous Toad Races. And yes, students intern at Toad Suck also. They intern everywhere.



      今年9月在康威举行的绿色倡议庆祝活动包括纸板车比赛, a bicycle rodeo and a butterfly release.

    • Central Arkansas

      康威的隔壁邻居是小石城,州首府,就在南面30英里处. 几乎正好位于阿肯色州和美国的地理中心, 小石城是阿肯色州的文化中心,也是阿肯色州艺术中心的所在地, Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, and the Clinton Presidential Library. 小石城提供一切从现场音乐和当地餐馆在河市场区河节, Arkansas' largest music, arts, and food festival.

    • The Natural State

      Outdoor adventures abound around Conway.

      沿着阿肯色河的卡德隆定居公园离校园很近(西北几英里). Beaverfork Lake and Lake Conway are nearby too. 再往前走一点,在Petit Jean山州立公园徒步雪松瀑布和其他小径,西北方向约45分钟,或向南攀登顶峰山,或沿着阿肯色河小径骑行,穿过大坝桥.